5 Ways to Improve Your Elder Planning Services

Auburn University OPCE
2 min readJun 8, 2021
black and white image of female adviser consulting with elder client

Elder care planning is more than a niche area as the need for elder planning advice continues to grow. The average age of the U.S. population is steadily on the rise. By 2030, the U.S. Census Bureau predicts more than 20% of the population will be over the age of 65.

Aging clients and their families turn to the financial professionals they know and trust for advice on finding and paying for long-term care, financing health care, and ensuring their estate planning documents are in order.

5 Elder Planning Services to add to your business or firm today:

REFERRALS: Build a local network of trusted financial planners, elder law attorneys, and aging life care professionals, to ensure you know where to send a client for more help.

BOOKKEEPING & BILL PAYING: As basic as they sound, these services can offer peace of mind. Older clients who may have difficulty keeping up with financial obligations and deadlines can incur penalties and fees that can be troublesome to sort out.

BASIC ESTATE PLANNING: Help your clients ensure their estate planning documents, including powers of attorney, wills/trusts, medical and health care directives, and beneficiaries named on IRAs and 401(k) accounts, are current and complete.

LIVING & LONG-TERM CARE OPTIONS: Become familiar with the local senior living facilities and options available in your community to best help your clients assess their finances and determine which options make the most sense.

ELDER PLANNING COUNSELOR (EPC) DESIGNATION: The EPC Designation is designed to help working professionals enhance their understanding of the aging population. This includes CPAs, accountants, financial and insurance advisers, real estate agents, attorneys, caregivers, and health care personnel.

Learn more about how you can leverage your business and better serve your aging clients.



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